European Parliament adopts report on heating and cooling: Reducing energy wastage in buildings is key

Today, the Parliament’s plenary adopted the own-initiative report prepared by Adam Gierek. MEPs highlighted the need to focus Europe’s heating and cooling strategy on energy demand reductions in our buildings and, in particular, in our existing building stock. 
The PU Europe Managing Director, Oliver Loebel, commented: "We very much welcome the Parliament’s call on the Commission and Member States to work together in order for our building stock to achieve nearly zero energy levels by 2050. Such a long-term vision provides a clear framework for the development of targeted policy tools and enables the construction value chain to develop solutions and skills. This is the right starting point for a successful strategy."
Members of the European Parliament put building renovation in the heart of the strategy and highlight once again its economic and social benefits in terms of growth and job creation.   
"The report may come too late to have a real impact on the forthcoming Commission proposal on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. We are however confident that the Parliament will use its powers to ensure that the directive sets the right policy framework".