New milestone reached towards improved buildings for all Europeans: European Parliament adopts a revised EPBD

Today’s adoption by the European Parliament of its final report for an amending Directive to the 2010 EPBD, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, calls for national stakeholders to get ready for its implementation and for EU decision-makers to finalize parts of the Clean Energy Package that will spur the renovation of the building stock.

One of the much-needed improvement for all actors of the construction sector [1] is the article on “long-term renovation strategy” which calls for “the transformation of the national stock… into a highly energy efficient and decarbonised building stock by 2050” and requires that Member States “include actions for mobilising investment to facilitate renovation needed to achieve the 2050 goals”.

PU Europe Managing Director, Arnaud Duvielguerbigny, commented: “This amending Directive to the EPBD clarifies notably that the focus should be on the building envelope and contains numerous positive additions that have potential for a far more sustainable, modern and comfortable building stock. However, the success of this revised EPBD is not at all granted and the job is not ended. Better European homes, public and commercial buildings is conditional to the fate of others legislations in the making in Brussels – the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Governance Regulation, and more importantly to the active involvement of national stakeholders later during the implementation phase of the EPBD 2018.” 

The text of the amending Directive needs now to seek the positive vote of a Council of ministers – a formality – before being published in the Official Journal of the EU. This issuing could happen over the next 2-3 months and the transposition deadline for member states can therefore be estimated to be around March-June 2020.

To the press release here

[1] Buildings-related activity accounts for ~10 % of EU GDP and ~8 % of direct employment. Building and construction currently employs over 14 million workers. Reminder: buildings are responsible for 36 % of CO2 emissions in Europe.