CEOs Call for Building Efficiency Target

22 CEO and senior level representatives of leading industries in the building energy efficiency sector in Europe have sent a letter this morning to President Barroso and the College of Commissioners (together with Commission Secretary-General and Director-General for Energy) calling for further ambition on energy efficiency in buildings.
In the letter, the industry leaders emphasise that political bargaining in the on-going negotiations on the EU Energy Efficiency Strategy cannot ignore economic necessity. “As leading company executives” -the letter says- “our day-to-day concerns are very much linked to the economic reality that we are confronted with, and this reality tells us that in order to consolidate the recovery in our sector we are in dire need of vision and ambition from policy-makers in the promotion of building renovation.”
Research has shown that bold action in this field can have positive effects on other political priorities, such as energy security, job creation and energy poverty, while significantly reducing public health costs through increased indoor comfort. The industry leaders urge therefore the Commissioners to create a positive political legacy by proposing an ambitious target on energy efficiency, coupled with an unambiguous energy saving objective to be delivered by the buildings sector. 
To the letter here