The Commission’s State of the Energy Union highlights the role energy efficiency and more particularly building renovation must play in meeting the EU’s energy strategy. However, it fails to apply the Energy Efficiency First principle. Furthermore, the latest Commission assessment shows that Member States are not on track to meet the 2020 efficiency target.
Yesterday, the Commission presented a set of documents related to the State of the Energy Union. It highlights the progress achieved and, in particular, the fact that the EU is likely to meet its 2020 greenhouse gas emission target.
Oliver Loebel, Managing Director of PU Europe commented: "PU Europe stands behind the targets of the Energy Union. It is however disappointing to see that the Energy Efficiency First principle was somewhat abandoned. While efficiency is clearly seen as one of the pillars, it should become the guiding principle for all pillars."
In this context, the Commission announced that the EU was only on track to achieve 17.6 % primary energy savings by 2020, significantly below the 20 % target. PU Europe agrees that national implementation and access to finance remain major stumbling blocks. However, it will be equally important to provide a coherent set of European rules to promote the deep energy renovation of the European building stock over the next decades.
"Buildings form an integral part of our energy systems. Reducing their energy demand will be a key element to meeting the overall Energy Union targets. Unlocking the building renovation market must therefore be the main focus of the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive.", Loebel concluded.
To the Commission website on the state of the Energy Union here