MEPs call for long-term vision for Europe’s buildings

Today, 23 Members of the European Parliament, including all major political groups, sent a letter to Commissioner Cañete inviting him to "ensure that the revised EPBD proposal includes a clear renovation vision for the existing building stock to bring it to NZEB levels by 2050". The MEPs stressed that an NZEB building stock will offer "multiple other benefits such as reducing fuel poverty, increasing jobs and growth in the EU, empowering energy consumers to actively participate in energy markets and mitigating energy supply dependency".
The PU Europe Managing Director, Oliver Loebel, commented: "This is yet another strong message to the Commission to include a clear pathway towards an NZEB building stock in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. It is widely recognised that minimising the buildings’ energy demand is a prerequisite to integrating them into smart energy systems and avoiding stranded assets on the supply side." 
To the MEPs letter here