The circular economy package tabled by the Commission offers a combination of binding targets and clarified or improved framework conditions. The prop…
The Commission's State of the Energy Union highlights the role energy efficiency and more particularly building renovation must play in meeting the EU…
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is a significant step forward, but implementation on the ground needs improvement and clearer rul…
The PU Europe general assembly took place in Poznan (Poland) on 9th October 2015. The delegates agreed that building renovation is key to achieving th…
Brussels, September 2015 – The Energy Efficiency Industrial Forum (EEIF), representing European industries that provide a full range of energy efficie…
Despite agreeing, in the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, to adopt a binding provision for the renovation of 3 % of central government buildings each y…
The European Parliament is preparing an own-initiative report on resource efficiency and the circular economy. Given the substantial potential of Euro…
The Communication on the Energy Union Package adopted by the Commission in February suggested that energy efficiency should be fundamentally rethought…