Press Statement: ITRE Committee puts building renovation center stage of EPBD

Brussels, 11 October 2017 – “Building envelope” industries welcome the report on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) revision adopted today by the European Parliament Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE). The report puts building renovation center stage of the EPBD and proposes a set of policy measures which aim to increase both the rate and depth of building renovations in the EU.

The report, adopted by a huge majority of 51 votes, successfully features the driving factors that enable buildings to lead the way in transitioning towards a low-carbon economy.

The core elements that allow for this include: 

  • A clear and consistent vision including a 2050 perspective that makes reference to Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings. Together they signal the EU’s appetite for an increase of building renovations and therefore provide greater business certainty for long term financial investments in this sector;
  • A toolbox for more impactful renovation strategies including: cost effective, staged deep renovation, building renovation passports to help better guide consumers, 2030 and 2040 milestones and “measurable progress indicators” which should help to assess how savings in buildings are contributing towards the overall EU energy efficiency target;
  • Safeguarding of the energy efficiency first principle. Despite the expansion of the EPBD system boundary, it is valuable that when calculating energy performance of buildings (Annex I), energy needs of a building are to be considered first. This keeps the EPBD consistent with its intended objective of reducing energy demand. 

It is essential that these elements are consolidated as part of EU Governance. This will allow Member States to have a one stop shop for all reporting and enhance inter-ministerial cooperation, which is the key to ensuring a real boost in building renovation.

These industries call on the European Council to adopt an EPBD that helps to make energy efficiency a reality both at EU and national level, thereby honoring the COP21 agreement, and delivering tangible economic, environmental and societal benefits for business, government and consumers alike.

See the press statement here